Here is my August love. :)
- Nubar Spark-a very work safe/natural holographic color. EXCELLENT application. I love looking at the amazing color under sunlight.
- Joppa hand balm-it works wonder on my suffering hands.
- Zoya nail polish remover-because it works great. And I like the bottle too.
- Rock top coat-same as above, it works. My nail polish lasts longer before it starts chipping. Polish "wears off" rather than just chipped right away.
- YLBB healing balm-this is my baby and it works.
- Red tea-there are many brands, but this is what I am currently drinking. It's caffeine free and has lots of minerals/nutrients and what not. I add honey to mine. Yum. Great iced too.
- Bubble and Bee lip balm-I still like this.
- iPod Touch-mine is old. It's a 16gb 2G I bought in 2009. It's a very useful tool to me. I love my things (or "toys", which I affectionately call them).
- iPod shuffle-I have a 4G (the "latest"). I know you can't see the screen and you can't use it as a door stop or whatnot. But I put all my fav songs in there and it's small and easy to carry and it's pink. And it's under 50 bucks. Don't get me wrong, I still love my iPod, iPod Touch... but for what it is, the shuffle is great.
- Tumblr-still loving it. What a great way to share and get inspiration. And so easy to use. I won't use it as a blog-blog though. YLBB Tumblr.
- Benefit PoreFection-really help blur the pores.
- Shiro Rickrolled-I have also "re-recognize" what kind of lippies I enjoyed: semi-frosty and/or coppery-ish colors. :-). Those are great. :-) Flattering to my skin tone. Though I also like natural/nude lippies.
- SMAP Aid